Nadex Self-Certifies Temporary Free Trading Incentive Program
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, and Commission Regulation §40.6(a), Nadex has submitted notice to the Commission that it plans to institute a temporary "Free Trading Incentive Program", which would waive trading and settlement fees for all individuals and entities that become Nadex Members on or after the effective date of the Program, for a specified period of time directly correlating to the amount of funds the Member initially deposits into their trading account. Specific requirements and terms of the Program are set forth in the self-certification submission. In accordance with the 10-day review period set forth in Commission Regulation 40.6(b), the Program will be effective no earlier than September 16, 2015. The specific commencement date of the Program will be announced as a Notice on the Nadex website when that date has been determined.