Nadex Amends Rule Language Pertaining to United States Residency Requirements
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, and Commission Regulation §40.6(a), Nadex has submitted to the Commission its intent to amend the language in its Rule 3.1 (Trading Members – Applications, Classifications, and Privileges) to remove United States residency as a requirement for individual Membership. Initially Nadex plans to accept qualified applications for Exchange Membership from residents of Mexico, Canada, and territories of the United States. As its customer base and demand grows, Nadex expects to expand Membership opportunities beyond these countries and territories, and will post notice of any additional countries from which residents may apply on the Nadex website.
Nadex plans to implement the language amendments to the Rulebook on September 11, 2014. Membership applications from non-United States residents would be accepted no earlier than September 11, 2014.