Nadex Adds Adds New AUD/JPY and EUR/GBP Spread Contracts and Adds Strikes to Daily Crude, US Indices, and Currency Spread Contracts


Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, and Commission Regulation §40.6(a), Nadex has submitted notice to the Commission that it plans to adjust the strike width on certain Daily “Wide” Currency Variable Payout (“Spread”) contracts such that all contracts have a width of 500, and adjusts the affected contracts’ reportable levels accordingly. Nadex is adding three Daily “Narrow” Currency Spread contracts to each currency pair. Additionally, Nadex is adding strike levels to its Intraday Crude Oil and US Indices Spread contracts, as well as the Daily US Indices contracts. Nadex is adding Rules 12.42 and 12.44 which set forth the contract specifications for its new offering of Daily AUD/JPY and EUR/GBP ‘Wide’ and ‘Narrow’ Spread contracts. Finally, Nadex is increasing the width in its Daily US SmallCap 2000 Spread contracts, renumbering Rules and sections to accommodate the amendments, and is correcting a typographical error in Rule 12.36. In accordance with the 10-day review period set forth in Commission Regulation 40.6(b), the amendments will be effective March 28, 2016.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Compliance Department.
Document Notice 723