Membership Obligations related to Automated Trading


As a reminder, Nadex does not create, disseminate or auto-execute trading signals or recommendations, nor do we endorse any third party signal providers or auto-execution services. We encourage any Nadex member to do their own due diligence on any third party product they intend to use in association with their account and we remind all Nadex members to review the Nadex Rules, Nadex Membership Agreement and Nadex Terms of Use, all of which are available on our website, to ensure their use of any third party product does not violate any provisions or acknowledgements they agreed to or made when they originally applied for Nadex membership. Specifically, members should review Nadex Rule 5.2(d) which states “…a Trading Member may not knowingly or negligently permit any Person not authorized by Nadex and by the Trading Member to use the ID and password to access the secure portion of the Nadex website.”

Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Compliance Department.